Location Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre 801 Dixion Road, Toronto, Canada.
Upcoming Event

LGC 2024 Canda -Nigeria Business & Investment summit would be a leading thought provoking informative and networking investment forum on key sectors of Nigerian and Canadian economies. It will thus create opportunities to:

Hear industry experts speaking at the forum, covering the depths and breath of specific sectors of the country’s economy Engage and close business deals, entertain clients and network with industry leaders.

Project sponsors venture capitalists’ borrowers. Lenders and public and private sectors, investors will come together to accelerate investment opportunities

Registration Links

Please click on the link below to purchase tickets.

Priority Sectors

Explore Our Categories: Dive into a World of Knowledge and Discovery

Health Care / Pharmaceutical

It has been estimated that about 30,000 Nigerians spend overa$1 bilion annually on medical tourism. 60 percent of this amount is spent in four major areas of healthcare, namely cardiology. orthopedics, renal dialysisissues ancicancer. The Nigerian healthcare market is large and diverse. its value chain comprises of manufacturers, health service providers, medical insurance, retailers, distributors, health financing entities. and medical education proviciers. There is a need for investment. in all these creas.

Health Care / Pharmaceutical
Alternative Energy
Alternative Energy

With a population of over 200 million people and a population growth rate of 2.7 percent per annum, the demand for power in Nigeria can only be expected to rise. An estimated 55 percent of Nigeria's population have no access to grid- connected electricity.

Solid Minerals

The commercial value of Nigeria's sald minerals has been estimated to run into hundreds of millions of collars. It has also been estimated that Nigeria loses about $40 billion annually in unexploited gold clone. The domestic mining industry is underdeveloped, currently accounting for only 0.5 percent of Nigeria's GDP, and leading to the importation of commodities that canbeproduceclocally.

Solid Minerals
Information Communication & Technology

The Information Communications Technology (ICT) Sector is the arrow-head for weaning Nigeria off oil & gas and consequently, diversifying the economy. The Sector will create opportunities in the economy for wealth and employment as well as revenue generation to deliver on its mandates. It is expected that with all these in place, Nigeria will become a regional hub for ICT innovation & development while safeguarding the Intellectual Capital and Property Rights as critical to national security and development.

Infrastructure: Real Estate, Construction & Transportation

Infrastructure has made a net contribution of around one percentage point to Nigeria's improved per capita growth performance in recent years, in spite of the fact that unreliable power supply held growth back. In recent years. Nigeria has conducted several important infrastructure sector reforms. The ports sector has been converted to a landlord model, and terminal concessions now attract private. investment on a scale unprecedented for Africa.

Agriculture / Agro Allied

Nigeria has over 84 million hectares of arable land, of which only 40% is cultivated: 230 billion cubic meters of water, abundant and reliable rainfall in over two thirds of its teritory, the country has some of the richest natural resources for agricultural production in the world, Nigeria is the world's largest producer of Cassava and the fourth largest producer of groundnut. Also, Nigeria is the fourth largest cocoa producer in the world with an output of 235.000 metric tonnes per season.

Participation And Partnership

Explore Our Categories: Dive into a World of Knowledge and Discovery

Diamond Package


  • 7 days Travel Insurance
  • Private Dinner with Keynote Speaker for a one on one meeting Platform for Presentation
  • Pre- Forum Breakfast session with investors
  • Platform for Presentation
  • Booth for Exhibition
  • Listing and recognition of company/state on the Logo and/or company name on all CANISC 2024 specific printed materials. High resolution, big screen logo projection at CANISC 2024.
  • Logo on Front-Page of Event Booklet
  • registration area. Full Page Advertisement
  • Brochures distributed on general information tables in the general cocktail or
  • Participants list with full contact details (subject to Canadian Privacy Laws) LGC & CANISC 2024 website
  • Accommodation - 5 days for 5 Full-Write-up/Advert of State/Business
  • Complimentary Ticket Bundle (5 Tickets)

Platinum Package


  • 7 days Travel Insurance
  • Private Dinner with Keynote speaker for a one-on one Meeting
  • Pre forum Breakfast session with investors 7 days Travel insurance
  • Platform for Presentation at Event Listing and recognition on CANISC 2024 & LGC website as a Platinum
  • Booth for Exhibition
  • Full Page Advertisement
  • Brochures on general information tables in cocktail or registration area.
  • High resolution, big screen logo projection at Event.
  • Logo and company name on all CANISC 2024 specific printed materials.
  • Sponsor
  • Accommodation - 5 days for 3
  • Complimentary Ticket Bundle (3 Tickets)

Gold Package


  • Full Page Advertisement 7 Days Travel Insurance
  • Booth for Exhibition
  • Special Insert to Event Booklet
  • Platform for Presentation at Event
  • Brochures distributed on general information tables in the general cocktail or registration area.
  • High resolution, big screen logo projection at CANISC 2024.
  • listing and recognition on LGC & CANISC 2024 websites as a gold sponsor, Logo and company name on all CANISC 2024 specific printed materials.
  • Arcommodation-5 days for 2
  • Complimentary Ticket Bundle (2 Tickets)

Silver Package


  • 7 days Travel Insurance
  • Pre Forum breakfast session with investors
  • booth for Exhibition
  • full Page Advertisement
  • Brochures distributed on general information tables in the general cocktail or registration area.
  • High resolution, big screen logo projection at CANISC 2024
  • Listing and recognition on the LGC & CANISC 2024 websites as a Silver Sponsor.
  • Accommodation-5 days for 1 Platform for Presentation at Event
  • Complimentary Ticket Bundle (1 Ticket)

Participation Fee


  • Visa processing Assistance (visa NOT included)
  • 7 days Medical Travel Insurance Tour of places of interest
  • Meals throughout duration of the event (8-12 October) Conference bags and Materials.
  • Days hotel Accommodation
  • Gala Night/Award
  • Attendance at all Summit
  • Top tables facilitated by LGC
  • Welcome address at the dinner.



  • Exhibition Booth $3,000
  • Speaking slot on Conference agenda
  • Conference Guide & Conference Guide One-page company advertisement included the room Company logo printed in event marketing materials
  • Branded signage produced by LGC for the dining
  • Four complimentary delegate places
  • Branded menus on the tables
  • Top tables facilitated by LGC
  • Welcome address at the dinner.
Meet Our Expert Management Team

Our management teams consist of experienced professionals with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in their respective fields.

Sam Adewale
Strategy & Logistics
Wayne Floreani
Operations & Planning
Kola Esomojumi
Project Coordinator
Bruce Shapiro
Technical Adviser
Funmilayo Braithwaite
Liaison Officer
Sola Erogbogbo
Operations & Planning